日本出身のCostume Designer。イギリスのボーンマス芸術大学において、大学院修士課程を首席にて卒業。同年、MA Outstanding Contribution Prizeを受賞し、英老舗新聞Daily EchoのNews欄にて一面に取り上げられる。コンセプトは、非日常空間の創出。人工、自然の境目なく様々な素材を融合して生み出される有機的なフォルムづくりをクリエーションの特徴としている。Costumeを空間における新しい生命体として位置づけ、生命が根本的に備わる普遍性を取り戻す試みを行なっている。
Shiro, originally from Japan is a costume designer who is focusing on collaboration. It is an important source in terms of creating his costume designs and expanding creative abilities. His concept is to produce an unrealistic space by making avant-garde costume constructed from creative forms, volumes and textures using fabric, artificial and natural materials. Its concept is also inspired by the visual work, which costume designer Eiko Ishioka created in films. For example, in Dracula (1992) directed by Francis Ford Coppola and The cell (2000), which is a scientific and psychological fiction by Tarsem Singh, Eiko Ishioka produced impressive spatial effects by creating eccentric costume. It implies that eccentric costume also could lead to a contribution in films. Hence, Shiro would focus on creating unique costumes, which fit with perceptual experiences such as films. Particularly, he would emphasize forms and textures in order to represent symbolic costumes in well visualization.
ボーンマス芸術大学大学院 衣裳専攻 首席卒業
Arts University Bournemouth, UK
Major in Costume Design MA Course
Received Distinction
エスモード東京 ファッションデザイン専攻
Major in Fashion Design
国立島根大学 人格心理学専攻
Shimane University, JP
Major in Psychology of personality
私立久留米大附設高校 普通科
Kurume daigaku fusetsu High school, JP
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